Palermo to Salerno Ferry Timetable
Latest page update: 16 January 2025
The Palermo to Salerno ferry timetable shows crossings available on Fridays and Sundays only but taking place all year round.
From the capital of Sicily to the port town of Salerno on the Tyrrhenian Coast of Campania is a distance of 307 kilometres and the journey time is nine and a half hours. Grimaldi Lines run the ferries which leave Palermo at 10:30, arriving in Salerno at 20:00. |
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Route Details
Category: Interregional
From: Salerno Region: Campania Regional district: Salerno Province |
Journey Times, Vehicle Access and Seasonal Availability
Journey time: 9 hours 30 minutes
Access: cars and foot passengers
Available: all year round
Frequency: selected days of the week
Journey time: 9 hours 30 minutes
Access: cars and foot passengers
Available: all year round
Frequency: selected days of the week
Single Ticket Prices
Grimaldi Lines Ferry
Adults: €40.50
Children aged 3 to 11: €27.75
Children aged 2 years and under: free
Adults: €40.50
Children aged 3 to 11: €27.75
Children aged 2 years and under: free
Palermo to Salerno Ferry Tickets and Timetables
Timetables for Ferry Crossings From Palermo to Salerno
All times are subject to change. Please check the booking engine above for live timings and ticket purchasing.
10:30 Departs Palermo
20:00 Arrives Salerno
Grimaldi Lines Ferry
9 hours 30 minutes
Fridays and Sundays only
20:00 Arrives Salerno
Grimaldi Lines Ferry
9 hours 30 minutes
Fridays and Sundays only